Scope of the Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing
- Total aerobic count at 22 oC (1 - 1000 UFC/mL)
- Total aerobic count at 36 oC (1 - 1000 UFC/mL)
Reference method: ISO 6222:1999 or equivalent methods.
- Enumeration of Coliform bacteria (1 - 1000 UFC/100mL)
- Enumeration of Escherichia coli (1 - 1000 UFC/100mL)
Reference method: ISO 9308-1:2014 or equivalent methods.
- Enumeration of Enterococci (1 - 1000 UFC/100mL)
Reference method: ISO 7899-2:2000 or equivalent methods.
- Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens (including spores)
(1 - 1000 UFC/100mL)
Reference method: ISO 14189:2013 or equivalent methods.
- Enumeration of Coagulase Positive Staphylococci (1 - 1000 UFC/250mL)
- Enumeration of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (1 - 1000 UFC/250mL)
Reference method: ISO 16266:2006 or equivalent methods.
- Enumeration of Legionella pneumophila (10 - 10.000 UFC/L)
- Enumeration of Legionella spp (10 - 10.000 UFC/L)
Reference method: ISO 11731:2017 or equivalent methods.
Proficiency test item:
- 1 x 1L of the test material for the determination of Total aerobic count at 22 oC and 36 oC.
- 10 x 1L of the test material for the determination of Coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli.
- 10 x 1L of the test material for the determination of Enterococci.
- 1 x 1L of the test material for the enumeration of Clostridium perfringens (including spores).
- 1 x 1L of the test material for the enumeration of Coagulase Positive Staphylococci.
- 1 x 1L of the test material for the enumeration of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa.
- 10 x 1L of the test material for the enumeration of Legionella pneumophila.
- 10 x 1L of the test material for the enumeration of Legionella spp.
NOTE: All the details for the preparation of the final test sample are included in the Guide Lines provided with the test samples.
ADDITIONAL TEST SAMPLES: For costs and availability of additional test samples contact Qualitycheck (e-mail
For each measurand shall be reported one result.
ADDITIONAL RESULTS: Each participant can submit up to 5 results* for the same analyte, thus obtaining an evaluation of laboratory performance for different operators, instruments, etc. (e.g. operator 1/operator 2, instrument A/instrument B, etc..).